MMT’s Somex Automation Single Head Laminator is a compact versatile tabletop Hot Air Nozzle Horizontal Laminator System. It features digital control of airflow, a ready lamp for temperature & airflow, monitoring of process parameters and speed control.
The laminator is also available with Split Hot Dies

Key Features
- Accurate Digital Air Flow Controller with adjustment for precise air delivery to the nozzle for greater product build repeatability.
- Precise motion control of the nozzle.
- High accuracy temperature control.
- Compact benchtop with PLC control.
- Touch screen HMI offers many features including recipe-based product/parameter selection through barcode scanner or from HMI. The HMI also monitors and processes alarm messages for out-of-range limits to indicate the temperature & air flow are not within set limits.
- Variety of heater design options.
- Tooling to fixture the product for lamination in the nozzle for repeatable results.
- Product tension/slack take-up during lamination version available.
- Optional umbilical Hot Box integrated into the machine for secondary tasks such as heat shrink removal.
- Machine width to suit your process.
- Slots in the side walls of the safety enclosure for long product to protrude to the left or right.
- CE Marked
Temperature: Ambient to 700°F (371°C)
Air Flow: 0 to 63.6 SCFH (0 to 30 l/min)