
Tipping, Flaring, Bonding Categories

SPOTLIGHT ON: Tipping, Bonding, Flaring

Our Magnum and Quantum RF tube-forming machines are designed to produce a variety of tube forming configurations, including tipping, bonding, flaring, with a simple tooling change using our signature “black box” tooling set. Streamline production with our Quantum or Magnum RF tube-forming machine.

Watch videos below to see three custom tipping, bonding, & flaring processes!

Every application varies and may have hybrids between categories. CATHTIP application engineers provide unparalleled customer support and expert solutions for the entire array of tube-forming applications from initial proof-of-concept to large-scale production.

Meet us at MD&M West – BOOTH #3101 to discuss your projects!

Contact us at or call 435-628-1775 to learn how we can prove out and solve your tipping, bonding, flaring needs.

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